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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package hl7.eu.terminology.ehdsi#current (31 ms)

Package hl7.eu.terminology.ehdsi
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://hl7europe.org/fhir/terminology/ehdsi/https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7-eu/EHDSI-Terminology-package/ValueSet-eHDSIVaccine.html
Url http://terminology.ehdsi.eu/ValueSet/eHDSIVaccine
Version 0.1.0
Status draft
Date 2024-11-29T17:37:48+00:00
Name EHDSIVaccine
Title eHDSI Vaccine
Experimental False
Realm eu
Authority hl7
Description The Value Set is used to identify the patient's vaccinations in the Patient Summary

Resources that use this resource

http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/xpandh/ps/StructureDefinition/Immunization-ps-xpandh Immunization (EU PS)
http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/xpandh/ps/StructureDefinition/ImmunizationRecommendation-ps-xpandh ImmunizationRecommendation (EU PS)

Resources that this resource uses

http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED CT (all versions)
http://www.whocc.no/atc Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification
http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED codes used in this IG
http://www.whocc.no/atc ATC classification system
http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED CT Canada Immunizations
http://www.whocc.no/atc WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "eHDSIVaccine",
  "url" : "http://terminology.ehdsi.eu/ValueSet/eHDSIVaccine",
  "identifier" : [
      "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
      "value" : "urn:oid:"
  "version" : "0.1.0",
  "name" : "EHDSIVaccine",
  "title" : "eHDSI Vaccine",
  "status" : "draft",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2024-11-29T17:37:48+00:00",
  "publisher" : "HL7 Europe",
  "contact" : [
      "name" : "HL7 Europe",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "http://hl7europe.org"
  "description" : "The Value Set is used to identify the patient's vaccinations in the Patient Summary",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "428601009",
            "display" : "Paratyphoid vaccine"
            "code" : "836383009",
            "display" : "Vibrio cholerae antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836495005",
            "display" : "Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836500008",
            "display" : "Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871738001",
            "display" : "Live attenuated Mumps orthorubulavirus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871768005",
            "display" : "Influenza virus antigen only vaccine product in nasal dose form"
            "code" : "871839001",
            "display" : "Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871889009",
            "display" : "Acellular Bordetella pertussis and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Hepatitis B virus and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1119349007",
            "display" : "SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine"
            "code" : "1157024006",
            "display" : "Inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 antigen vaccine"
            "code" : "601000221108",
            "display" : "Bordetella pertussis antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "29061000087103",
            "display" : "COVID-19 non-replicating viral vector vaccine"
            "code" : "836380007",
            "display" : "Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836384003",
            "display" : "Bacillus anthracis antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836393002",
            "display" : "Rabies lyssavirus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836402002",
            "display" : "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "871875004",
            "display" : "Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1052328007",
            "display" : "Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F capsular polysaccharide antigens conjugated only vaccine product"
            "code" : "971000221109",
            "display" : "Live attenuated Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen only vaccine product in oral dose form"
            "code" : "2221000221107",
            "display" : "Live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 only vaccine product"
            "code" : "836375003",
            "display" : "Hepatitis A virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836378001",
            "display" : "Japanese encephalitis virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "871803007",
            "display" : "Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B virus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1801000221105",
            "display" : "Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide antigen conjugated only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871751006",
            "display" : "Hepatitis A virus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871739009",
            "display" : "Human poliovirus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "37146000",
            "display" : "Typhus vaccine"
            "code" : "775641005",
            "display" : "Clostridium tetani toxoid adsorbed and Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxoid antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "777725002",
            "display" : "Clostridium tetani toxoid antigen adsorbed only vaccine product"
            "code" : "836379009",
            "display" : "Human papillomavirus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836382004",
            "display" : "Measles morbillivirus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836390004",
            "display" : "Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836398006",
            "display" : "Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "840563003",
            "display" : "Dengue virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "863911006",
            "display" : "Clostridium tetani antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "871759008",
            "display" : "Acellular Bordetella pertussis only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871878002",
            "display" : "Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1119254000",
            "display" : "Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, and 23F capsular polysaccharide antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1001000221103",
            "display" : "Inactivated whole Vibrio cholerae antigen only vaccine product in oral dose form"
            "code" : "1011000221100",
            "display" : "Live attenuated Vibrio cholerae antigen only vaccine product in oral dose form"
            "code" : "871764007",
            "display" : "Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "836368004",
            "display" : "Bacteria antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836377006",
            "display" : "Influenza virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836385002",
            "display" : "Yellow fever virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836387005",
            "display" : "Rotavirus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836388000",
            "display" : "Rubella virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836397001",
            "display" : "Coxiella burnetii antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836401009",
            "display" : "Neisseria meningitidis antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "871804001",
            "display" : "Hepatitis A virus and Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871831003",
            "display" : "Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871837004",
            "display" : "Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1119305005",
            "display" : "SARS-CoV-2 antigen vaccine"
            "code" : "1121000221106",
            "display" : "Live attenuated Yellow fever virus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1181000221105",
            "display" : "Influenza virus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1861000221106",
            "display" : "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "409568008",
            "display" : "Pentavalent botulinum toxoid vaccine"
            "code" : "836381006",
            "display" : "Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "871737006",
            "display" : "Mumps orthorubulavirus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871871008",
            "display" : "Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A and C only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871873006",
            "display" : "Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A, C, W135 and Y only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871908002",
            "display" : "Human alphaherpesvirus 3 and Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1051000221104",
            "display" : "Live attenuated Human poliovirus serotypes 1 and 3 antigens only vaccine product in oral dose form"
            "code" : "1131000221109",
            "display" : "Vaccine product containing only inactivated whole Rabies lyssavirus antigen"
            "code" : "836389008",
            "display" : "Vaccinia virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836403007",
            "display" : "Tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "836498007",
            "display" : "Mumps orthorubulavirus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "871740006",
            "display" : "Inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871765008",
            "display" : "Measles morbillivirus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871806004",
            "display" : "Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B virus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871866001",
            "display" : "Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871895005",
            "display" : "Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B virus and Human poliovirus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871921009",
            "display" : "Staphylococcus toxoid vaccine"
            "code" : "1162643001",
            "display" : "SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccine"
            "code" : "1031000221108",
            "display" : "Human poliovirus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "1101000221104",
            "display" : "Clostridium tetani toxoid antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "2171000221104",
            "display" : "Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi capsular polysaccharide unconjugated antigen only vaccine product in parenteral dose form"
            "code" : "921000221108",
            "display" : "Neisseria meningitidis antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "836374004",
            "display" : "Hepatitis B virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "840549009",
            "display" : "Yersinia pestis antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "840599008",
            "display" : "Borrelia burgdorferi antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "871772009",
            "display" : "Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871887006",
            "display" : "Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Human poliovirus antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871918007",
            "display" : "Rickettsia antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "871726005",
            "display" : "Rabies lyssavirus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1081000221109",
            "display" : "Live attenuated Rotavirus antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871826000",
            "display" : "Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871876003",
            "display" : "Acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens only vaccine product"
            "code" : "871742003",
            "display" : "Clostridium tetani antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "1981000221108",
            "display" : "Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "28531000087107",
            "display" : "COVID-19 vaccine"
            "code" : "981000221107",
            "display" : "Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen only vaccine product"
            "code" : "836369007",
            "display" : "Virus antigen-containing vaccine product"
            "code" : "774618008",
            "display" : "Whole cell Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani toxoid adsorbed and Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxoid antigens only vaccine product"
        "system" : "http://www.whocc.no/atc",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "J07AE51",
            "display" : "cholera, combinations with typhoid vaccine, inactivated, whole cell"
            "code" : "J07AH01",
            "display" : "meningococcus A, purified polysaccharides antigen"
            "code" : "J07AH06",
            "display" : "meningococcus B, outer membrane vesicle vaccine"
            "code" : "J07BB03",
            "display" : "influenza, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BC01",
            "display" : "hepatitis B, purified antigen"
            "code" : "J07BD",
            "display" : "Measles vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BJ",
            "display" : "Rubella vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BJ01",
            "display" : "rubella, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BX05",
            "display" : "respiratory syncytial virus vaccines"
            "code" : "J07CA01",
            "display" : "diphtheria-poliomyelitis-tetanus"
            "code" : "J07CA06",
            "display" : "diphtheria-haemophilus influenzae B-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus"
            "code" : "J07XA01",
            "display" : "malaria vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AE02",
            "display" : "cholera, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07AG51",
            "display" : "haemophilus influenzae B, combinations with toxoids"
            "code" : "J07AH07",
            "display" : "meningococcus C, purified polysaccharides antigen conjugated"
            "code" : "J07AH09",
            "display" : "meningococcus B, multicomponent vaccine"
            "code" : "J07AP10",
            "display" : "typhoid, combinations with paratyphi types"
            "code" : "J07BA",
            "display" : "Encephalitis vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BA03",
            "display" : "encephalitis, Japanese, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BE",
            "display" : "Mumps vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BL",
            "display" : "Yellow fever vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BM01",
            "display" : "papillomavirus (human types 6, 11, 16, 18)"
            "code" : "J07BN05",
            "display" : "covid-19, virus-like particles"
            "code" : "J07BX",
            "display" : "Other viral vaccines"
            "code" : "J07CA03",
            "display" : "diphtheria-rubella-tetanus"
            "code" : "J07CA07",
            "display" : "diphtheria-hepatitis B-tetanus"
            "code" : "J07CA09",
            "display" : "diphtheria-haemophilus influenzae B-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus-hepatitis B"
            "code" : "J07AH05",
            "display" : "other meningococcal polyvalent purified polysaccharides antigen"
            "code" : "J07AH08",
            "display" : "meningococcus A,C,Y,W-135, tetravalent purified polysaccharides antigen conjugated"
            "code" : "J07AH10",
            "display" : "meningococcus A, purified polysaccharides antigen conjugated"
            "code" : "J07AP02",
            "display" : "typhoid, inactivated, whole cell"
            "code" : "J07AX",
            "display" : "Other bacterial vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BD53",
            "display" : "measles, combinations with rubella, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BD54",
            "display" : "measles, combinations with mumps, rubella and varicella, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BF",
            "display" : "Poliomyelitis vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BF01",
            "display" : "poliomyelitis oral, monovalent, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BF04",
            "display" : "poliomyelitis oral, bivalent, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BG",
            "display" : "Rabies vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BH",
            "display" : "Rota virus diarrhea vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BH01",
            "display" : "rota virus, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BM",
            "display" : "Papillomavirus vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BN",
            "display" : "Covid-19 vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BN03",
            "display" : "covid-19, inactivated virus"
            "code" : "J07CA05",
            "display" : "diphtheria-hepatitis B-pertussis-tetanus"
            "code" : "J07XA",
            "display" : "Parasitic vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AC01",
            "display" : "anthrax antigen"
            "code" : "J07AE01",
            "display" : "cholera, inactivated, whole cell"
            "code" : "J07AF",
            "display" : "Diphtheria vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AG53",
            "display" : "haemophilus influenzae B, combinations with meningococcus C, conjugated"
            "code" : "J07AH",
            "display" : "Meningococcal vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AJ01",
            "display" : "pertussis, inactivated, whole cell"
            "code" : "J07AL52",
            "display" : "pneumococcus purified polysaccharides antigen and haemophilus influenzae, conjugated"
            "code" : "J07AM51",
            "display" : "tetanus toxoid, combinations with diphtheria toxoid"
            "code" : "J07AP01",
            "display" : "typhoid, oral, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07AP03",
            "display" : "typhoid, purified polysaccharide antigen"
            "code" : "J07BA01",
            "display" : "encephalitis, tick borne, inactivated, whole virus"
            "code" : "J07BA02",
            "display" : "encephalitis, Japanese, inactivated, whole virus"
            "code" : "J07BD51",
            "display" : "measles, combinations with mumps, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BK03",
            "display" : "zoster, purified antigen"
            "code" : "J07BN02",
            "display" : "covid-19, viral vector, non-replicating"
            "code" : "J07BN04",
            "display" : "covid-19, protein subunit"
            "code" : "J07CA",
            "display" : "Bacterial and viral vaccines, combined"
            "code" : "J07CA02",
            "display" : "diphtheria-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus"
            "code" : "J07CA10",
            "display" : "typhoid-hepatitis A"
            "code" : "J07CA11",
            "display" : "diphtheria-haemophilus influenzae B-pertussis-tetanus-hepatitis B"
            "code" : "J07CA12",
            "display" : "diphtheria-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus-hepatitis B"
            "code" : "J07AE",
            "display" : "Cholera vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AG01",
            "display" : "haemophilus influenzae B, purified antigen conjugated"
            "code" : "J07AH02",
            "display" : "other meningococcal monovalent purified polysaccharides antigen"
            "code" : "J07AL",
            "display" : "Pneumococcal vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AL01",
            "display" : "pneumococcus, purified polysaccharides antigen"
            "code" : "J07AM01",
            "display" : "tetanus toxoid"
            "code" : "J07AN",
            "display" : "Tuberculosis vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AP",
            "display" : "Typhoid vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AR01",
            "display" : "typhus exanthematicus, inactivated, whole cell"
            "code" : "J07AX01",
            "display" : "leptospira vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BC20",
            "display" : "combinations"
            "code" : "J07BD52",
            "display" : "measles, combinations with mumps and rubella, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BE01",
            "display" : "mumps, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BK02",
            "display" : "zoster, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BM02",
            "display" : "papillomavirus (human types 16, 18)"
            "code" : "J07BM03",
            "display" : "papillomavirus (human types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58)"
            "code" : "J07BX04",
            "display" : "dengue virus vaccines"
            "code" : "J07CA04",
            "display" : "haemophilus influenzae B and poliomyelitis"
            "code" : "J07AD",
            "display" : "Brucellosis vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AH03",
            "display" : "meningococcus A,C, bivalent purified polysaccharides antigen"
            "code" : "J07AH04",
            "display" : "meningococcus A,C,Y,W-135, tetravalent purified polysaccharides antigen"
            "code" : "J07AJ52",
            "display" : "pertussis, purified antigen, combinations with toxoids"
            "code" : "J07AM",
            "display" : "Tetanus vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AM52",
            "display" : "tetanus toxoid, combinations with tetanus immunoglobulin"
            "code" : "J07BB04",
            "display" : "influenza, virus like particles"
            "code" : "J07BC02",
            "display" : "hepatitis A, inactivated, whole virus"
            "code" : "J07BF03",
            "display" : "poliomyelitis, trivalent, inactivated, whole virus"
            "code" : "J07BK",
            "display" : "Varicella zoster vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BK01",
            "display" : "varicella, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BX02",
            "display" : "ebola vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AD01",
            "display" : "brucella antigen"
            "code" : "J07AF01",
            "display" : "diphtheria toxoid"
            "code" : "J07AG52",
            "display" : "haemophilus influenzae B, combinations with pertussis and toxoids"
            "code" : "J07AJ02",
            "display" : "pertussis, purified antigen"
            "code" : "J07AJ51",
            "display" : "pertussis, inactivated, whole cell, combinations with toxoids"
            "code" : "J07AK01",
            "display" : "plague, inactivated, whole cell"
            "code" : "J07AR",
            "display" : "Typhus (exanthematicus) vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BB01",
            "display" : "influenza, inactivated, whole virus"
            "code" : "J07BF02",
            "display" : "poliomyelitis oral, trivalent, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BJ51",
            "display" : "rubella, combinations with mumps, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BN01",
            "display" : "covid-19, RNA-based vaccine"
            "code" : "J07BX01",
            "display" : "smallpox and monkeypox vaccines"
            "code" : "J07CA13",
            "display" : "diphtheria-haemophilus influenzae B-pertussis-tetanus-hepatitis B-meningococcus A + C"
            "code" : "J07AC",
            "display" : "Anthrax vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AG",
            "display" : "Haemophilus influenzae B vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AG54",
            "display" : "haemophilus influenza B, combinations with meningococcus C,Y, conjugated"
            "code" : "J07AJ",
            "display" : "Pertussis vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AK",
            "display" : "Plague vaccines"
            "code" : "J07AL02",
            "display" : "pneumococcus, purified polysaccharides antigen conjugated"
            "code" : "J07AN01",
            "display" : "tuberculosis, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BB",
            "display" : "Influenza vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BB02",
            "display" : "influenza, inactivated, split virus or surface antigen"
            "code" : "J07BC",
            "display" : "Hepatitis vaccines"
            "code" : "J07BD01",
            "display" : "measles, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BG01",
            "display" : "rabies, inactivated, whole virus"
            "code" : "J07BH02",
            "display" : "rota virus, pentavalent, live, reassorted"
            "code" : "J07BL01",
            "display" : "yellow fever, live attenuated"
            "code" : "J07BX06",
            "display" : "enterovirus 71 vaccines"
            "code" : "J07CA08",
            "display" : "haemophilus influenzae B and hepatitis B"
  "text" : {

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